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Allentown, PA
The Allentown Planned Parenthood was cited by the Pennsylvania Department of Health for violating the state requirement to test pregnant women for the Rh protein. In addition to not screening all patients, those who were screened were not prescribed the necessary treatment required for Rh-negative patients which endangers the health of the woman and child. This facility sells abortions up to 13 weeks, and the state of Pennsylvania allows abortions up to 24 weeks, by which point a preborn baby can feel pain and may be capable of surviving outside the womb.


Facility Violation 1

Facility Violation 2

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability 

Chicago (Flossmoor), IL
Planned Parenthood of Flossmoor has had multiple medical emergencies since its opening in 2018. In 2020 alone, several ambulances were called for patients who had a possible perforation of the uterus. Illinois permits abortion through all 9 months (40 weeks) of pregnancy, well past the point the preborn baby can feel pain and is capable of surviving outside the womb if born.


Medical Emergency 1

Medical Emergency 2

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viabilit

Cincinnati, OH
Planned Parenthood Cincinnati Surgical Center prescribed chemical abortion pills that failed, causing the patients to undergo emergency surgical procedures. In Ohio abortions can be sold through all 9 months for any reason. This includes  after viability (5 months ), the point at which a  preborn baby can feel pain and survive outside the womb.


Facility Violation 01

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability

Denver, CO
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains staff failed to inquire or report sexual abuse of a thirteen-year-old girl who was brought in for an abortion. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and its affiliates are not licensed or regulated by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. The Arvada Planned Parenthood sells abortions up to 11 weeks by which point a preborn baby in the womb has a heartbeat and brain activity. Colorado allows abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.


Incident Report 01

Incident Report 02

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Heartbeat

Fetal Brain Activity

Omaha (Bellevue), NE
Procedures done within the CARE abortion facility network have resulted in multiple medical emergencies. Within the last few years, two separate incidents resulted in women being rushed to the hospital suffering debilitating effects and a severe loss of blood. Injuries suffered at this location also include: perforation of the uterus and bowel, fetal remains left inside following a failed abortion, damage to the appendix, and a total hysterectomy rendering one woman infertile. Abortion is legal in Nebraska up until 12 weeks, at which point a preborn baby has a heartbeat, and brain activity.


Incident Report 1 

Incident Report 2

Fetal Pain Research 

Fetal Viability

Phoenix (Glendale), AZ
Planned Parenthood Glendale lost a $3 mil lawsuit for wrongful termination of a whistleblower director who witnessed and reported illegal practice of a doctor, incomplete abortions, and falsification of affidavits and patient records. They also failed proper spore testing procedures. Planned Parenthood’s Tempe and Glendale locations sell abortions up to 16 weeks, at which point a preborn baby can feel pain. Arizona allows abortions up to the point of viability, which is when a baby is capable of surviving outside the womb.


Statement of Deficiencies 


Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability

Richmond, VA
Richmond Medical Center for Women has been cited for multiple health code violations. Such as not securely storing medical records, having no documentation or licensure for a nurse who administered anesthesia, and staff failed to clean and disinfect the procedure room between patients. Additionally, they sell abortions up to 21 weeks, by which point a preborn baby can feel pain and may be capable of surviving outside of the womb.


Incident Report 01 

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability Story

Fetal Viability

Rochester (Brighton), NY
Planned Parenthood of Rochester sells abortions up to 13 weeks and 6 days. The abortion vendor has neglected to make public their health and safety inspection records, giving no indication of any passing inspections for the past 20+ years. As of March 2020, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York does not recommend Rh factor testing for women receiving an abortion less than 8 weeks and under. This is medically negligent and can endanger the health of a woman and child. New York State abortion law allows abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, and for non-physicians to administer abortion procedures.


Incident Report 01

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability

Greenville, SC
Greenville Women’s Clinic (GWC) of Greenville, SC has failed to manage infectious waste and has improperly disposed of fetal remains. GWC has not been following the state’s informed consent requirements and performed an abortion sooner than the 60 minutes required wait time after a sonogram. In addition, GWC did not include the name of the father to be on the consent form for a minor in 70% of the charts reviewed.


Incident Report 01
Informed Consent

Bethesda, MD
Procedures done within the CARE abortion facility, located in Bethesda, Maryland, have resulted in multiple medical emergencies. Within the last few years, two separate incidents resulted in women being rushed to the hospital suffering debilitating effects and a severe loss of blood. Injuries suffered at this location also include: perforation of the uterus and bowel, fetal remains left inside following a failed abortion, damage to the appendix, and a total hysterectomy rendering one woman infertile. In Maryland, abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy.


Facility Violation 1

Facility Violation 2

Boston, MA
Planned Parenthood of Boston sells abortions up to 20 weeks and 6 days, by which point a preborn baby can feel pain, has a heartbeat, and can even hiccup in the womb.


Babies Can Hiccup

Charlotte, NC
The abortion network A Preferred Women's Health has been in violation of health and safety codes numerous times since 2013. Staff failed to properly dispose of medical gloves between treatments and patients, staff failed to ensure that all body parts of an aborted fetus were recovered post-procedure. Failure to do so can result in infection, sepsis, and even death for women. Lastly, the Charlotte location of A Preferred Women's Health provided an injectable form of methotrexate orally, which can result in an inadequate absorption of the medication and the continuation of a pregnancy.


Facility Violation 1

Facility Violation 2

Facility Violation 3

Facility Violation 4

Las Vegas, NV
The Birth Control Care Center sells abortions up until 23 weeks (about 5 and a half months) and 6 days. In Nevada abortion is legal for up to 24 weeks, at which point a preborn baby can feel pain, can dream, and may be capable of surviving outside of the womb. 

Portland, OR
Planned Parenthood of NE Health Center sells abortion up to 21 weeks and 6 days, by which point a preborn baby can feel pain, and may be capable of surviving outside of the womb. Oregon has no restrictions on abortion, meaning that an abortion may legally be performed through all nine months of pregnancy.


Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability Story

Fetal Viability

American Fork, UT
In 2017, Planned Parenthood-Metro Health Center  failed to maintain proper exit access and emergency lighting. This facility sells abortions up until 17 weeks and 6 days,  at which point a preborn baby has heartbeat, brain activity, and can feel pain. In Utah, abortion is legal up until 18 weeks.


Facility Violation 1

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Heartbeat  

Fetal Brain Activity

Flossmoor, IL
Planned Parenthood of Flossmoor has had multiple medical emergencies since its opening in 2018. In 2020 alone, several ambulances were called for patients who had a possible perforation of the uterus. Illinois permits abortion through all 9 months (40 weeks) of pregnancy, well past the point the preborn baby can feel pain and is capable of surviving outside the womb if born.


Incident Report 01

Incident Report 02

Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Viability

Kansas City, KS
The Overland Park Planned Parenthood sells abortion up to 21 weeks and 6 days. In the state of Kansas abortion is legal  up until 21 weeks and 6 days at which point  a preborn baby can feel pain, has a heartbeat, and brain activity. The Planned Parenthood Coorporation has been found guilty of selling abortions to minors thereby covering up sexual assault and human traffiking.


Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Heartbeat

Fetal Brain Activity

Rio Ranch, NM
 In 2017, a local Albuquerque woman died after a botched abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options; 1 of the 4 abortion facilities in Albuquerque. The state of New Mexico allows abortions up to birth without parental consent. The Planned Parenthood facility sells abortions up to 19 weeks at which point a preborn baby in the womb has a heartbeat, brain activity, and may be capable of feeling pain. We found no evidence of abortion facilities in New Mexico being inspected by the Department of Health; therefore, they have no accountability for their actions.


Botched Abortion 
New Mexico Abortion Laws 
Fetal Pain Research
Fetal Viability

Banks, OR
Planned Parenthood cannot be trusted: they have failed to inquire or report the sexual abuse of a  thirteen-year-old girl who was brought in by her abuser for an abortion. One location had 81 ambulances called, with 76 of those calls being confirmed as medical emergencies, such as dangerous hemorrhaging, and in some cases serious  first, second, and third trimester bleeding. Last but not least, recently surfaced video from the Center for Medical Progress revealed senior Planned Parenthood executives confessing under oath to trafficking in aborted fetal body parts for financial gain.  In  Maryland, abortions can be sold through all 9 months for any reason. This includes  after viability (5 months ), the point at which a  preborn baby can feel pain and survive outside the womb.


Facility Violation 1

Facility Violation 2

Facility Violation 3

Facility Violation 4

Hartford, CT
Dr. Gary Nobert, a former abortionist at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, was  part of a lawsuit for  medical malpractice for failing to adequately dilate a woman's cervix, failing to correctly interpret the ultrasound imaging, and ultimately perforating her uterus and bowel which resulted in an emergency hysterectomy and bowel resection.  Planned Parenthood of West Hartford sells abortions up to 19 weeks and 6 days, by which point a baby in the womb has a heartbeat, brain activity, and can feel pain.


Facility Violation 01 
Fetal Pain Research

Fetal Heartbeat

Fetal Brain Activity

Waldorf, MD
Planned Parenthood cannot be trusted: they have failed to inquire or report the sexual abuse of a  thirteen-year-old girl who was brought in by her abuser for an abortion. One location had 81 ambulances called, with 76 of those calls being confirmed as medical emergencies, such as dangerous hemorrhaging, and in some cases serious  first, second, and third trimester bleeding. Last but not least, recently surfaced video from the Center for Medical Progress revealed senior Planned Parenthood executives confessing under oath to trafficking in aborted fetal body parts for financial gain.  In  Maryland, abortions can be sold through all 9 months for any reason. This includes  after viability (5 months ), the point at which a  preborn baby can feel pain and survive outside the womb.


Facility Violation 01 

Facility Violation 02

Facility Violation 03

Facility Violation 04